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Stories With Love




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There’s nothing people from the Caribbean enjoy more than a good love story, and Mónika Frías is no exception: the Dominican-born, Barcelona-based videographer enjoys them so much she turned them into a career.
Her warmly intimate yet hilarious videos are a result of her all-hands-on-deck approach: instead of using a large set of audio and lighting equipment, she embeds herself and her D-SLR into every party and catches unexpected moments from the inside. After all, her inspiration for starting Stories with Love came from capturing off-the-cuff moments during an insane weekend with friends at a music festival! Having worked in the tightly structured world of film production before changing paths five years ago, that’s what she appreciates the most about this line of work: the freedom and joy of capturing the fun, unexpected and heartwarming side of something as beautifully unstructured as a love story.

Sobre o profissional

I still can’t explain why I’m so into walking around wedding parties with a camera around my neck. At first I thought it was the weekly bash. But actually, I later realized it’s because I have a lil’ old gossip inside of me: I actually love hearing people’s love stories, and meet crazy souls who were able to find each other. I truly believe that love is the most delicious ingredient in any cooking recipe, and it’s the same for filming.

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